We offer a variety of services tailored to the needs of individuals no matter what stage of the Physician Associate/ Assistant (PA) profession you identify with. What makes “The PA Snitch” unique is that you will have direct access to and benefit from the leadership of PAs that have a collective 28 years of experience in practice, leadership, and mentorship. We offer a contrasting yet homogeneous viewpoint that will yield a cohesive and comprehensive analysis geared towards your advancement. As PA consultants, we seek to bridge professional and health care disparities by offering an array of services that will increase awareness about the PA pathway and profession, as well as, provide competitive advisement based on one’s demographic profile, ideologies, and goals. We will prioritize clients that embody diversity and inclusion in the PA profession.
Committed to exchanging our expertise and experiences for your professional advancement by providing comprehensive, individualized consultant services and mentorship to the pre-PA (pre-physician assistant), PA-S (physician assistant student), and PA-C (certified physician assistant) community. We aim to improve diversity and inclusion by contributing to ALL communities related to the PA profession.